Gary Porter, RS, CPA, FMP, RRC, RSS
(877) 304-6700 |
Facilities Advisors CEO Gary Porter has provided financial services to condominium and homeowners associations since 1976. He has authored five books and more than 400 articles on association financial matters and has made dozens of presentations to industry groups. He is considered to be one of the foremost financial experts for associations and has been quoted or published in the Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, Common Ground, The Ledger Quarterly, and The Practical Accountant. He has been performing reserve studies since 1982.
Gary is also president of the International Capital Budgeting Institute (ICBI) and primary author of ICBI’s Generally Accepted Reserve Study Standards. Visit and you’ll see why these standards are so superior to the National Reserve Study Standards followed by our competitors. Mr. Porter holds the FMP (Facilities Management Professional) credential, which designates him as an expert in facilities management, the most critical skill in component condition assessment. He was a recognized economics and valuations expert in the California Superior Court system for more than twenty years and even served as the court appointed independent expert on several occasions. He holds CAI’s RS (Reserve Specialist) designation and is also a registered reserve specialist in Nevada. Mr. Porter is also a Certified Public Accountant and possesses the skills directly applicable to preparation of a financial projection for future major repairs and replacements. He also holds the Registered Reserve Consultant (RRC) credential, the highest designation available to reserve preparers.
The RRC credential requires that the individual must have completed a set of training courses that include all technical areas of the reserve study process. Mr. Porter is actually the author of several of the required training courses and a consultant or reviewer on all of the required courses. His broad background gives him the global perspective of the entire reserve study process that most others lack, and the ability to write the book “Reserve Studies – The Complete Guide”. Mr. Porter has been active in the industry for decades. He was a founding member of the CAI Channel Islands California chapter in 1979 and served as CAI's national president in 1998-99. He has received numerous awards, including CAI's Distinguished Service and Author of the Year Awards, and CACM's Vision Award for outstanding service.